Sexual Health with Dee
Sexual Health and Relationship Education


Complete Course Outline:

Complete course outline

It should be noted that gender is not a singular lesson itself, but is woven deeply and methodically into each lesson through lecture, activity and reflection.

Why is sexual health important?

Students will see the importance of learning about sexual health by discussing why humans are interested in sex, how prevalent sexuality is in our society and beginning to understand the history of shame and sex.


Students learn how to manage the physical, mental and emotional changes that occur during puberty. Students also learn how to empathize with changes that occur to others and do not occur to their own bodies during puberty.

Body science and Conception

Students learn the scientific names for  body parts in the reproductive system and their functions, as well as the process in which conception happens both in a body and in a lab.

Contraception & 
Pregnancy Options

Students learn about different methods of contraception and how each works to prevent pregnancy.

Students learn the basics of pregnancy and what options are available when pregnant. Students also discuss laws regarding medical coverage, adoption rights and parental rights. Lastly, students gain a general understanding of the mental and emotional changes that may occur after pregnancy.

STIs & safer sex Practices

Students will gain an understanding of common STIs, the mode in which they are transmitted, where and how to get tested and how to manage when testing positive for an STI. Students will also explore the history of HIV.

Students will discuss practices that reduce the risk of pregnancy and STIs, including the correct way to use a condom, other forms of barrier protection, getting tested for STIs, discussing safer sex with partners, and practicing self-advocacy skills with partners and health care professionals.

Healthy and unhealthy relationships

Students learn the basics on what makes healthy and unhealthy relationships, including exercises on communication, expectation and respect. Students also learn how to recognize unhealthy patterns such as manipulation.

Consent &
Sexual decision making

Students learn the definition of consent, how to appropriately establish consent and different scenarios in which consent is invalid.

Students learn what parts of the body are involved in making sexual decisions, and how to listen to their gut feelings when making decisions in regard to sex.

online rights and literacy

Students learn about laws and rights when corresponding online, red flags of exploitation, and how to access support when dealing with online harassment.

media representations of sexuality

Students observe and dissect how sex and sexuality is portrayed in the media. A review of advertisements, products and movies generates discussion of intersectionality, representation, respect and expectations of our society.


Students gain a more comprehensive understanding of how the body experiences sensations of pleasure, the varieties of sexual activity and their risk factors, as well as how to be a respectful partner.

Sex and mental health &

Students reflect on how depression and anxiety can affect a person’s sexual self, the effect of psychiatric drugs on the body and how to be a supportive partner to someone who is dealing with mental health.

Students review beauty standards through the ages and discuss current societal pressures, diet culture and fat-shaming.

Anonymous questions, review and wrap up!

Students review the most important points of the lessons and have an opportunity for any lingering questions to be answered, as well as to go through the collection of anonymous questions handed in during the course.

I am open to miscellaneous topics and topics brought up during course process!